User Management: User Roles


  • Compare the different user roles in issosmart and see how these affect what a user can do.

User Roles

The master administrator role is the most senior access level to the system. This role allows the following:

  • Invite new users
  • Edit users
  • Delete users
  • Create user groups
  • Edit user groups
  • Delete user groups
  • Edit documents and folders
  • Perform internal audits (if internal auditor is assigned)
  • Manage the issosmart subscription and billing details

The administrator role is similar to the master administrator, however they will not be able to manage the issosmart subscription and billing details. This role allows the following:

  • Invite new users
  • Edit users
  • Delete users
  • Create user groups
  • Edit user groups
  • Delete user groups
  • Edit documents and folders
  • Perform internal audits (if internal auditor is assigned)

The contributor role allows users to edit the system but restricts access to user management. Viewing restrictions will apply (if set via permissions) and they will not be able to manage the issosmart subscription and billing details. This role allows the following:

  • Edit documents and folders
  • Perform internal audits* (if internal auditor is assigned)

*Please note that if internal auditor is assigned, viewing restrictions will not apply (if set via permissions). They will be granted full access to the system but will not be able to manage users or the issosmart subscription and billing details.

The standard user role allows read only access to the system. Users with this access will not be able to edit any documentation or perform internal audits.

The consultant role is to be provided to external consultants. This role allows complete access to the system irrespective of user permissions. The consultant will not be able to manage the issosmart subscription or billing details. The purpose of this role is to easily identify external users of the system.

The external auditor role is to provide access to external auditors for your certification audit. This role allows full access to the system irrespective of user permissions. The external auditor will not be able to manage the issosmart subscription or billing details. There will also be a mandatory expiry date on the access provided. This is to avoid access to the system longer than what is needed to protect the integrety of the system and the data within it.

The internal auditor role allows users to conduct internal audits. Users assigned this role will appear in the auditor list for selection under audits. Users who are assigned this role will also need to be contributors as a minimum. 

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Simply raise a support ticket by emailing [email protected] or call 0300 373 0128.

Related resources:

User Management: Permissions