The Accelerate Programme - Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship route is for the most part identical to the other 2 delivery methods. The main difference is that this method is funded, which attracts some requirements in order to source the funding. These requirements are things like minimum durations, minimum off the job training hours and some additional paperwork.
How the Funding Works
Funding is provided by the UK government via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in the form of an apprenticeship. A big misconception about apprenticeships is that they are only for school leavers to enter the workforce. Apprenticehsips are designed to upskill the current workforce meaning they are open to pretty much anyone of working age.
How an apprenticeship is funded depends on whether or not you are a Levy payer. Learn more about the Apprenticeship Levy here.
If you are a Levy payer, the apprenticeship is paid for in full from your Levy account. If you are a non Levy payer, the ESFA will fund 95% of the apprenticeship and you would be required to fund the remaining 5%, known as employer contribution. If you are a non Levy payer, a learner is aged 16-18 and you employ fewer than 50 staff. This would result in the ESFA funding 100% of the apprenticeship. We have given an example of the employer contribution below:
The 5% contribution:
Your 5% contribution can be anywhere from £200 to £300 per learner depending on which level they take. So for a cohort of 10 learners (recommended for best results), you would be looking at a cost of £2,000 to £3,000. But don’t worry, this amount can be spread equally over a 12 month period to ease the burden on business cashflow. If you compare it against our standalone programme (£15,000) this route is substantially cheaper at 13-20% of the cost.
The 95% contribution:
The remaining 95% is paid for by the ESFA. The ESFA make monthly payments directly to ourselves based on information we provide through the learners Individual Learning Record (ILR) and the information you have entered into your Apprenticeship Service Account.
Additional Payments:
In order to attract the funding via an apprenticeship, there are some requirements we need to meet. All apprentices are required to complete a minimum of 6 hours a week of their working hours on off the job training, be on programme for minimum amount of months depending on their level of apprenticeship, complete functional skills in both English and Maths and participate in regular progress reviews.
Off the Job Training:
Off the job training is anything which teaches any new knowledge, skills or behaviours that are required as part of the apprenticeship outside of their normal day-to-day work. Our programme is structured into workshops, workbooks and projects to ensure that new knowldge, skills and behaviours are taught and implemented throughout the programme. We have adapted the programme to meet these minimum hours without impacting the business negatively. This will result in less time for day-to-day operations in the short term, however the time lost will be spent on streamlining processes, which in turn will be recouperated over the long term.
Minimum Durations:
Apprenticehsips require the learners to be on programme for a minimum duration. This typically works off level, however some standards may differ.
Learners undertaking the Level 2 Lean Manufacturing Operative apprenticeship will be required to be on programme for a minimum of 12 months with End Point Assessment taking place over the 3 months after. This would mean the programme in total would be 15 months.
Learners undertaking the Level 3 Improvement Technician and Level 4 Improvement Practitioner will be required to be on programme for a minimum of 14 months with End Point Assessment taking place over the 3 months after. This would mean the programmes in total would be 17 months.
Functional Skills:
All apprentices are required to work towards a Level 2 in both English and Maths for Functional Skills. Learners completing the Level 2 Lean Manufacturing Operative apprenticeship are required to achieve a minimum of Level 1 Functional Skills English and Maths. All other levels must achieve a minimum of Level 2 Functional Skills in English and Maths. If a learner has proxies (for example, GCSE grades C (4) or above in both English and Maths) they will automatically meet this requirement and will not need to participate in Functional Skills.
Progress Reviews:
As per the funding rules, we are required to conduct regular tripart reviews throughout the programme to demonstrate learning and identify any areas where the learner may be struggling. We operate on an 8 week schedule meaning a review will take place more or less every other month. The reviews involve the learner, us as the training provider and yourself or someone from senior management as their employer. We also use this oppurtunity to address any concerns you or the learners may have and ensure the business is reaping the benefits as much as possible from the programme.
Evidence of Learning:
Learners will be required to complete a mixture of learning activities each month throughout the programme. These consist of workshops, workbooks, e-learning courses and improvement projects. Majority of the learning will take place doing hands on improvement projects with the workshops and workbooks teaching them the theory and tools required to perform these projects.
Learners must meet the below criteria to attract funding:
- 16+ years of age
- Not in full-time education
- Living in the UK
- Have full working rights in England
- Work in England 50% of the time
If learners don’t meet the above criteria, please contact us to look at alternative routes.
Apprenticeship Pathways
The pathway your staff undertake will depend on their role within your organisation. Level 2 Lean Manufactuing is only applicable to companies which operate in a manufacuring setting. The prices indicated below are for the full cost of the programme per delegate. Those undertaking will have 95% funded through the ESFA.
Level 2
Lean Manufacturing Operative
12 Months
Functional Skills English
Functional Skills Maths
Level 2 Health & Safety Course
Level 3
Improvement Technician
14 Months
Functional Skills English
Functional Skills Maths
Level 2 Health & Safety Course
Level 4
Improvement Practitioner
14 Months
Functional Skills English
Functional Skills Maths
Level 2 Health & Safety Course